Important Facts On Wildlife and Natural Vegetation.

Important Facts On Wildlife and Natural Vegetation.

Natural Vegetation And Wildlife.

Biosphere ➤

What is the biosphere?

. Zone where all the three sphere are interact.
. Life form exist in this zone. This life supporting system is known as Ecosystem.

Importance Of Vegetation And Wildlife ➤


. Plants provide us timber, gives shelter to animals produce oxygen we breath, strange of ground water. They give us fruits, latex, turpentine oil, medicine etc....

. Wildlife provide us milk, meat, hides, honey and wool.
. They helps in pollination, act as decomposers
. Both plays a very important role in balancing ecosystem.

Distribution Of Natural Vegetation ➤

. Major vegetation types of world are :-

i. Forest.


. Areas of heavy rainfall, huge trees may thrive.
. Abundant of vegetation and water supply. 

ⅱ.  Grassland.


. In moisture and rainfall.i
. Size and density of trees also decreases.

ⅲ. Scrubs.


. Dry area of low rainfall, thorny shrubs and scrubs grow. Deep roots and waxy leaves.

ⅳ. Tundra.

Tundra forest

. It is found in cold polar region, masses and lichens.

Types Of Forest 

.There are mainly two types of forest are there.  

Evergreen forest
Evergreen forest.
Deciduous forest.
Deciduous forest.

i. Evergreen forest.                                                ⅱ. Deciduous forest.

. Do not shed their leaves.                                      . Shed their leaves in a particular season.

Conservation Of Natural Vegetation And Wildlife  

. Changing Climate And Human Interference.
∗ They play a very important role in our life.
∗ And cause of problem.


. Loss of natural habitat.
. Deforestation.
. soil erosion.
. Forest fires.
. Tsunami.
. Landslides.
. Poaching( for body parts). 

∗ This all human maid and natural factors are responsible for the extinction and harming of vegetation and wildlife.

How Can We Conserve Natural Vegetation And Wildlife ?

wildlife sanctuaries
wildlife sanctuaries.

. National parks, wildlife sanctuaries and Biosphere reserves are made. Conservation of Greeks, lakes and wetlands.
. Awareness programs like social forestry and vanamohatasava should be encouraged.
. Legal backing against killing of animals.
. CITES is a good example.  

✱ CITES ( convention on International Trade in Endangered species of wild.Flora and Fauna)

. International agreement between government.

.Ensures that international trade of flora and fauna does not threaten their survival.

. Roughly 5000 species of animals, 28000 species of plants are protected under it.     



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